
Why does data analytics and machine learning play a crucial role in the built environment?

We use data analytics and machine learning to generate feasibility studies for your real estate projects. This facility provides rapid risk assessment results for decision-making on the net zero strategy and helps accelerating the pre-planning stages of your projects.

How does generative design enhance efficiency in design?

Our generative design tool implements Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) approach for architectural, structural and MEP designs from inception. This modular approach minimises the time spent on 3D modelling, coordination and clash detection.

Do you have significant cost deviations from inception to completion?

Metablok uses actuarial analysis to generate an accurate cost model from inception of projects by taking into account supply chain trends, material/equipment costs, inflation rates and helps our clients to save money.

How does a virtual twin of your building add value to your business?

Metablok generates a virtual twin of your building in the metaverse. The virtual twin of your building is in the form of minted non-fungible token (NFT) once concept design is completed.

Prospective end users of your projects can experience their prospective spaces by using virtual reality (VR)  headsets and augmented reality (AR) glasses in the metaverse.

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